miles & miles
Karen Christopher & Sophie Grodin
Sound design by Boris Hauf
Lighting design by Martin Langthorne
Dramaturgy by Litó Walkey
We’ve got a rope and a pulley. We think we are navigating the cliffs, we are pausing for the skin to grow back on the tips of our fingers. The piece is a reflection on moving forward in spite of uncertainty.
miles & miles is a performance positioned at the edge of a landscape. It asks the questions: How do we continue once we’ve lost our position? How do we accommodate ourselves on shaky ground and prepare for the uncertainty still to come? How do we become intimate with the inevitable fall?
Looking to a world of arctic blankness, flying leaps, and shear cliff face climbs (assisted by the able minds and faces of Ingrid Bergman and Alfred Hitchcock, and including the dance moves of a scientist) the performers stumble through the artifice that distracts them from their fears of what is still to come.
Christopher and Grodin, tied to opposite ends of a 100-metre rope, hop, skip, cajole, and reminisce about other people’s lives. The more they know, the greater our sense of uncertainty. They are suspended above the ground. They are heading for the horizon. We know they will never get there. Still, they need a destination.
Sophie Grodin is a Danish performance maker, based in Copenhagen. Through performance, she wants to bring new importance to spaces, create collective memory, and discover alternative ways of learning through collaborative methods. She graduated from Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, has worked with Haranczak/Navarre Performance Projects since 2011, and is part of the collective and self-run school FUKK.
miles & miles is the second duet performance by Karen Christopher and Sophie Grodin. The first was Control Signal (2013).
miles & miles forms part of The Difference Between Home and Poem: a duet series. Each project in the series is jointly made, directed and performed by Karen Christopher and another artist.
To read writer Mary Paterson’s response to miles & miles click here.
Performance History
26 April 2017, The House, Plymouth University
10 & 16 March 2017, Chisenhale Dance Space, as part of TWOFOLD
2 December 2016, preview Hay Studio, Cornwall
24 November 2016, preview Live Art Bistro, Leeds
9 November 2016, preview Performing House, York St. John
7 & 8 July 2016, preview performances Chisenhale Dance Space, London
21-25 April 2015, The Yard Theatre, London (work-in-progress)
see review Exeunt Magazine
March 2015, Buzzcut, Glasgow (work-in-progress)
see review Glasgow Herald
Video documentation from July 2016 preview performances at Chisenhale Dance Space, London.