Entanglements of Two: A Series of Duets
Edited by Karen Christopher & Mary Paterson
Published by Intellect Books, October 2021
Drawing out the particularities of working in twos, with a focus on collaborative performance making, this book considers the duet as a particular configuration in which to think, the duo a microcosm of humankind, and presents everyday entanglement of form and practice seen through the lens of the smallest multiple unit.
Folding and Unfolding: A Close Listening to Chloé Déchery’s A Duet Without You
by Karen Christopher
in Performing Collaboration in Solo Performance: A Duet Without You and Practice as Research, edited by Chloé Déchery (Intellect Books, 2023).
Twists, turns and a loose web of contradictory truths
by Karen Christopher
in the journal Theatre, Dance and Performance Training (Routledge, Volume 11, 2020 – Issue 4, pages 520-1).
Resonance of Two
by Karen Christopher
in The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy, edited By Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca and Alice Lagaay (Routledge, 2020).
The Path on the Floor and Other Uses of Hand-drawing
by Karen Christopher
in The Creative Critic: Writing as/about Practice, edited by Katja Hilevaara and Emily Orley (Routledge, 2018). There is a Companion Site to the book, which includes additional text and images from Karen here.
it comes back together and Precipitation
by Karen Christopher
in Imagined Theatres: Writing for a Theoretical Stage, edited by Daniel Sack (Routledge, 2017).
On Creating a Climate of Attention: the composition of our work
by Karen Christopher & Sophie Grodin
in Performance and Ecology: What Can Theatre Do?, a special performance issue of the journal Green Letters: studies in ecocriticism (Volume 20 issue 3, 2016) guest edited by Deidre Heddon and Carl Lavery.
Signs of Specific Humans: the DIY imprint of collaborative performance theatre
by Karen Christopher
in DIY too, edited by R. Daniels (University of Chichester, 2015).
Untitled writing
by Karen Christopher
in DIY, edited by R. Daniels (University of Chichester, 2014).
Karen’s writing can also be found on Goat Island Performance Group’s website, and in Goat Island publications available through Unbound (London).
Karen is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, Routledge.
For download/viewing
Paper leaves and other constructions
a reading companion to Always Already
compiled and edited by Karen Christopher & Tara Fatehi Irani
A 32-page booklet, introducing the themes and content of the project, with writing by Karen, Tara and other contributors responding to many of the questions which arose in the creative process. PDF link to booklet above. If you would like a printed copy of the booklet, please email CJ Mitchell cjmitchell37 [at] gmail [dot] com for more information. The booklet is also available for purchase at Unbound (London, UK), the Live Art bookshop.
Mary Paterson’s responses to various projects
PDF downloads here:
So Below
Control Signal
miles & miles
Always Already
What never stops?
A conversation between Joe Kelleher, Karen Christopher and Sophie Grodin, after the first London performance of Control Signal
at Chelsea Theatre, 10 October 2013
The conversation was led and “loosely edited” by Joe Kelleher
PDF download here
Yellow Performs For You
by Karen Christopher
in Paper Stages 2020 by Forest Fringe. Paper Stages is a festival disguised as a book — a series of performances for you to complete in the comfort of your own home.
PDF download available here: https://forestfringe.co.uk/paper-stages-2020/
The Performance in My Head
by Karen Christopher and Mary Paterson
from the series Crossing Borders 2019: Catalysing Encounters, where two (or more) speakers in conversation shared their process and practice; at Independent Dance, London.
Response to Training Places: Dartington College of Arts, a special issue of Theatre, Dance and Performance Training.
by Karen Christopher
Studio 1, Dartington, 3 November 2018
Four contributions to Something Other:
repeat as long as the signal holds
an emergency: it’s breathless
from Wingman day one and beyond
Bird’s Nest Soup
Karen Christopher: The duet residencies
Reflections on what makes an ideal artist’s residency, including residencies in 2015 with Chris Goode and Lucy Cash at the University of Roehampton in London.